Get security questions

This endpoint fetches the list of security questions you must answer on your account.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /user/security/challenges
  • Full URL:
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer [JWT/auth token here]


200: OK

Success retrieving security questions. If the returned response is [] (empty array), there are no challenges on the authenticated account, and therefore the account has no security questions. Otherwise, the security questions are returned.

// when there are security questions
      "answer": {
         "id": 123 // the ID of the answer, needed when answering questions
      "question": {
         "id": 1, // number of security question in the pre-defined list of 39
         "question": "What is your favorite pet's name?"
      "answer": {
         "id": 456 // the ID of the answer, needed when answering questions
      "question": {
         "id": 2, // number of security question in the pre-defined list of 39
         "question": "What is your favorite movie?"
      "answer": {
         "id": 789 // the ID of the answer, needed when answering questions
      "question": {
         "id": 3, // number of security question in the pre-defined list of 39
         "question": "What is your favorite author's last name?"

// no security questions on account

401: Unauthorized

You provided an invalid Bearer token or neglected to fill in the Authorization header entirely.

   "error" : "Unauthorized",
   "errorMessage" : "The request requires user authentication"