Check if you own a copy of Minecraft

This endpoint allows an authenticated user to check if they own a copy of Minecraft.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /entitlements/mcstore
  • Full URL:
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer [JWT/auth token here]


200: OK

Successfully retrieved the account entitlements.

// when you do own a copy of the game
  "items": [
      "name": "product_minecraft",
      "signature": "JWT here"
      "name": "game_minecraft",
      "signature": "JWT here"
  "signature": "JWT here",
  "keyId": "1"

// when you do not own a copy of the game
  "items": [],
  "signature": "JWT here",
  "keyId": "1"

If you do not own a copy of Minecraft, the items array will be empty.

Inside the signature JWTs for product_minecraft and game_minecraft, the body is:

  "signerId": "2556731038473355",
  "name": "game_minecraft" // can also be product_minecraft

Inside the signature JWT that is outside the items array, the body is:

  "entitlements": [
      "name": "product_minecraft"
      "name": "game_minecraft"
  "signerId": "2556731038473355",
  "nbf": 1624461990,
  "exp": 1624634970,
  "iat": 1624462170

400: Bad Request

This status code is returned when you are trying to use a Mojang account with this endpoint.

  "path": "/entitlements/mcstore",
  "errorType": "Bad Request",
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "errorMessage": "Required JWT [user] not specified",
  "developerMessage": "Required JWT [user] not specified"