Name change eligibility

This endpoint allows a user with a Minecraft profile to check if they are able to change their username (30 day cooldown).

This endpoint also allows a user to view the date their account was made premium, this includes legacy / unmigrated users.


  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /minecraft/profile/namechange
  • Full URL:
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Bearer [JWT/auth token here]


200: OK

This seems to be the only status code returned, save for 401 and 429.

  "changedAt" : "2020-12-02T03:11:01Z", // the time you last changed your name at
  "createdAt" : "2019-03-02T05:44:42Z", // creation date of account
  "nameChangeAllowed" : false // true when you are able to name change

401: Unauthorized

You have not provided a valid JWT / auth token, or you have neglected to provide the Authorization header at all.

  "path" : "/minecraft/profile/namechange",
  "errorType" : "UnauthorizedOperationException",
  "error" : "UnauthorizedOperationException",
  "errorMessage" : "Unauthorized",
  "developerMessage" : "Unauthorized"

429: Too Many Requests

If you have sent too many requests in a specific amount of time, this error will appear.

  "path" : "/minecraft/profile/namechange",
  "errorType" : "TooManyRequestsException",
  "error" : "TooManyRequestsException",
  "errorMessage" : "The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time",
  "developerMessage" : "The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time"